Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Almond Dark Chocolate Pancakes with Dark chocolate sauce

These dark chocolate almond pancakes can brighten any chocoholics day without guilt. The richness of dark chocolate ,nutty almonds and ripe sweet bananas ,an irresistibly tasty combination. The recipe can also be tweaked to include only vegan ingredients and make it an all vegan delight.

Be sure not to add any milk chocolate or dutch-processed cocoa powder in this recipe , cause only good quality dark chocolate ,pure cocoa powder with low sugar can keep this recipe a part of healthy diet.

Recipe : Almond Dark Chocolate Pancakes with Dark chocolate sauce.
For Pancakes
1 cup Whole Wheat flour(fine ground)
1/2 cup fine ground almonds
2 Tablespoon 100% pure Cocoa powder
1 large organic egg(vegan substitute :1/2 cup firm tofu)
1/2 cup of Reduced fat Milk or Almond milk or Soy milk
1 teaspoon Baking Powder(alum-free)
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon fat-free Greek yogurt(vegan substitute : soy yogurt)
2 tablespoon Organic Agave nectar syrup or pure organic Honey
2 Ripe Bananas,sliced
1 tablespoon 100% canola oil

Dark Chocolate Sauce
1/4 Semi-sweet or bitter-sweet chocolate chips with at least 60% cocoa(more is better)
1 teaspoon 100% cocoa powder
2 Tablespoon low-fat milk or almond milk
3 tablespoon Agave nectar or pure organic Honey

Handful of roughly chopped almonds for topping

Mix all the dry ingredients. Whisk egg with syrup ,milk and yogurt. Add this wet mixture to dry mixture to make a smooth batter.
Heat non stick pan on medium flame. Smear it lightly with oil . Pour one ladle of batter and let cook. Flip when you see the bubbles over pan cake ,about one minute.Cook another 30 seconds.Serve warm with sliced bananas,chopped almonds and drizzle of warm dark chocolate sauce.

Dark Chocolate Sauce
Melt chocolate in a double broiler until smooth ,whisk in cocoa powder,milk and syrup until smooth ,add little more milk if needed. Keep warm until served.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Fresh Figs Honey and Almond Mini Tarts

Light sweetness ,soft skin and crunchy seeds , these California grown Figs are perfect a mellow sensation. Rich source of minerals and vitamins, the sweetness and color intensifies as the fruit ripens.

Simple and elegant these free-form fresh fig tarts are incredibly easy to make.Most of the sweetness is from the luscious honey ,the almond filling at the base adds nutrition and heartiness to the tarts. Lightly sweet,I don't just reserve this for dessert ,but also enjoy them as a snack.

Makes about 6 mini tarts.

For Pastry crust
2 cup Whole wheat pastry flour
3 tablespoon Organic butter or Vegetable Shortening(Trans fat free)or Virgin Pressed Coconut oil,cold
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground cinnamon
2-3 tablespoon cold water

For almond filling
1/2 cup almonds
2 tablespoon brown sugar

For Topping
8-10 Fig Figs ,hulled and quartered
1/4 cup Pure organic honey


Prepare the dough
Sift the flour,salt and cinnamon in bowl. Mix in the butter or shortening,using a food processor pulse while adding the cold water ,until just combined in to a crumbly mixture. Or use 2 fork and break the butter in to flour and mix it up while adding the cold water.Wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and allow to refrigerate for 30 minutes

Prepare the Almond Filling

Toast the Almonds in 350F oven for 5-6 minutes.Cool and finely grind it in a Vitamix or coffee grinder. Mix in the sugar.

Bake the tarts
Preheat Oven to 350F
Unwrap the dough. Spread some all purpose flour on work surface.Divide the dough in to 6 equal portions.Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough about 4 inches in size.Pinch the sides of the pieces ,place them on a baking tray and spread about a tablespoon of almond mixture on each and arrange the quarters of the figs over it. Drizzle about 1-2 teaspoons of honey over each of the mini-tarts.Bake for about 15-20 minutes until the edges of tart are lightly crisp and brown.Serve warm. Can be refrigerated in an air-tight container for 2 weeks.

Senin, 19 September 2011

Peach Avocado Salsa Scoops

Glad to be back to blogging with one of my favorite snacks . I got a box of these ravishing giant peaches last week. Juicy, sweet and loaded with antioxidants and vitamins ,these make a perfect snack. I saved last two to make this sweet and spicy salsa. The recipe here is almost same as the Peach Mango Salsa ranchera,except here I used Avocados. And since avocado need no cooking,I mix it in when all the cooking is done and salsa is cooled. Another combination I recommend trying this salsa is Mangoes(when in season),make a lovely pair with peaches.
You could serve these with any kind of tortilla chips ,these scoops make the salsa that much more tempting. If looking for baked variety of tortilla scoops,i personally like the Tostitos brand ,low in fat with same great crunch.

Recipe: Peach Avocado Salsa scoops
3 ripe peaches,thoroughly rinsed,pitted and diced
3 plum red ripe tomatoes,cored and halved
1/2 cup shallots ,finely chopped or minced
1 clove garlic,finely chopped
1 tablespoons. lemon juice
2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
3 jalapeno peppers or Serrano peppers ,seeded and halved(Use 2 for medium heat)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon cilantro, chopped
1 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 Ripe Avocado,peeled,pitted and chopped(mix in a tablespoon of lemon juice to keep the color)
Lay the tomatoes and peppers on a baking sheet,cut side down.Set in the preheated oven at 35F oven and let bake for 15-10 minutes until slightly charred at the top.Transfer in a blender and puree.

Heat the oil in a large heavy skillet,add the garlic and shallots,saute for a minute.Add the cumin,peaches and cilantro,cover and cook another 3-4 minutes just until peaches are little soft but not mushy.Stir in blended tomato and pepper mixture,let warm up.Stir in the vinegar,lemon juice,season with salt and pepper.When cooled,mix in the diced avocado. Serve in scoops with sprinkle chopped green chillies(totally optional,skip if you like salsa medium hot). The Salsa can be in sterilized jar for a week or two.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Zatar Rolls

Zatar is an amazingly versatile Spice mix ,that tastes tangy ,nutty and herby ,making it one of the favorite condiments in Arab cuisine.
The spice mix includes dried thyme, marjoram, oregano, sesame, salt and sumac. The aroma of zatar on fresh baked bread is simply indescribable. To get the best taste ,many in middle east make this spice from scratch. For those of us who can't find the individual ingredients to make the mix ,the middle eastern stores are usually well stocked to purchase this spice mix.

These zesty zatar rolls are perfect for brunch or an evening snack. I adapted the following recipe from Zainab's recipe ,which uses multigrains for a more hearty texture and also has feta cheese sprinkle along with the zatar. I made her recipe simpler by using single whole grain and just zatar stuffing.

Recipe : Zatar Rolls adapted from Arabic Bites
Makes about 6-8 medium rolls
3 cups Whole wheat flour(Fine ground) or Whole wheat pastry flour
1 active dry yeast pack,about 1 1/2 teaspoon
1 tsp sugar
3 tablespoon Olive oil
1 cup warm water
3/4 teaspoon Salt

Prepare the dough
Dissolve the yeast in warm water, stir in the sugar and allow the yeast to get frothy, about 10 minutes.In a large bowl combine the flour with the yeast mixture and olive oil and knead until well combined.Apply some more oil on the sides of the bowl cover and allow to rise until double it size about 3-4 hours
Preheat oven to 350F.
Shape the dough in to a rectangle and sprinkle the Zatar mixture all over ,roll and cut in about 2 inches portion,lay on baking sheet. Keep distance between the rolls,cover and let rise for another 45minutes .
Place in the middle rack of the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes until lightly browned. Serve warm with any dip. Here I prepared a simple avocado and sour cream dip.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Wild Blueberry Ice Cream

There are umpteen reasons to go wild about these wild blueberries. For starters ,its one of the best anti-aging and anti-cancer foods ,also known to promote healthy vision and maintain heart health.

Difference between Wild and Cultivated Blueberries

Wild blueberries are distinct from cultivated blueberries in several significant ways.Unlike cultivated (highbush) blueberries, Wild (lowbush) Blueberries are not planted. They are spread primarily by rhizomes or underground runners, which give rise to new shoots and stems. Wild Blueberry fields and barrens contain many different varieties of berries, which accounts for the variations in size and color that characterize the Wild Blueberry crop.
Other differences include:

Antioxidant capacity - Wild Blueberries contain more of the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin and demonstrate greater antioxidant capacity per serving than cultivated blueberries.
Taste - Wild Blueberries have a more intense, sweet and tangy taste than cultivated blueberries
Size - Wild Blueberries are naturally smaller and more compact (less water content) than cultivated, which means you get more Wild Blueberries per pound.
Performance - Wild Blueberries hold their shape, texture and color through a variety of baking and manufacturing process. They also freeze very well: IQF Wild Blueberries maintain their quality for more than two years.

Wild Blueberry Health
Source :Wildblueberries.com

One of my favorite ways to enjoy the wild blueberries is in an non-fat yogurt. Also this Wild blueberry Ice-cream is truly a sensational summer treat. The method remains same as other dairy-free healthy ice creams inspired by Rachel's original recipe.

: Dairy free Wild Blueberry Ice-cream ,inspired by Rachel Albert-Matesz's Ice Dream Cookbook.Find my review here.

Yields 1 3/4 cup
one 14 ounce can Coconut milk(preservative free,I use Thai Kitchen brand)
2 cups frozen Wild blueberries
1/4 cup honey,agave nectar or 1/3 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup cool or cold filtered water
2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin or 3/4 teaspoon agar agar powder (not the flakes)
pinch of salt

1.Warm the water in small sauce pan.Sprinkle the gelatin or agar-agar,do no stir,let dissolved completely 4-5 minutes.Turn off the heat.
2.Process the 1 cup of blueberries in a food processor or vitamix along with the coconut milk,sweetener(honey or agave),salt,the gelatin or agar-agar mixture and blend again until well combined and smooth.
3-Pour into one or more wide-mouthed jars. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours before churning.

4-Scrape the chilled custard into the canister of your ice cream maker. Churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Mix in the remaining 1 cup of frozen blueberries.

5-Serve immediately or spoon into several 8-to 16-ounce freezer safe containers. Cover and freeze for 3 or more hours for a firmer texture.

6-Soften solidly frozen dessert by placing it in the refrigerator for 30 to 45 minutes or on the counter for 15 to 30 minutes before serving.Garnish with fresh mango slices

Without the Ice cream machine method
After the step 2,transfer the Ice Cream mixture in to a freezer proof container,preferably air tight.Freeze for about an hour,then get the container out and whisk the mixture using a spatula or hand held whisk or electric whisk to break the ice crystals forming over the edges of the container.Freeze and whisk again after 30-40 minutes ,repeat this for about 6 hours until the mixture is almost frozen.Serve immediately or freeze.Do as in step 6 to serve.

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Weekend Herb Blogging #287 Round up

Its is always a gratifying experience to host Weekend Herb Blogging ,hats off to Haalo for continuing this fantastic event in to its fifth year. Here is the yummilicious round up the week :

Janet from The Taste Scape (Toronto,Canada) , put together simple,quick and easy Broccoli and Red pepper Stir Fry with Peanuts ,with julienned broccoli stems ,carrots and peppers flavored with Asian sauces ,served alongside quinoa.

Elly from Nutmegs ,Seven (Oxford) ,shared with us a fantastically delicious Apricot and Almond French Toast , prepared using incredibly attractive apricots and whole meal bread toast.

Tigerfish from teczcape - an escape to food ,sent us healthful Parchment-Steamed Arugula ,prepared by gently steaming arugula that helps certain nutrients and carotenoids be better absorbed in cooked than raw arugula.

Kristen of 'From Kristen's Kitchen To Yours' ,shared these appetizing roasted fingerling potatoes with fresh thyme and oregano.

from Erbe in Cucina (Italy) ,served up a super flavorful rice dish ,Paella parellada with coriander ,that makes a totally filling entree.

Pam from Sidewalk Shoes , delighted us with an aromatic lavender infused Honey Lavender Ricotta Ice Cream , a perfect summer treat.

Cinzia from Cindystar(Garda Lake ,Italy) , Insalata con quadrotti di frittata/Squared Omelet Salad , a nutritious egg and green vegetables dish that could fit as an entrée, main course or just a quick summer lunch.

Anne from House of Annie(Kuching, Sarawak) , made this sweet coconut soup from Malaysia called Bubur Cha Cha , that has all the goodness of vibrant potatoes and tapioca pearls.

Debra from Bear Head Soup(Melbourne, Australia), sent us another sweet coconut soup ,Filipino style Ginataang ,with strikingly similar ingredients as Bubur cha cha.

from Green Gourmet Giraffe(Melbourne, Australia ) , prepared absolutely deliciousBanana Oat Hotcakes for brunch ,with a little help from her super cute toddler.

Haalo from Cook Almost Anything , cooked up yet another unique dish , using gorgeous Romano beans. Braised Romano Beans is prepared by smothering the flatbeans in rich tomato sauce and cooking until soft and tender

Finally for my entry, Tofu Parathas, Indian flatbread enriched with goodness of tofu and spices.

Be sure to tune in next week's WHB round up at Winnie's Healthy Green Kitchen

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Tofu Parathas

Just as verstile as parathas ,tofu can also be flavored in amazingly different recipes. In case you missed some of my favorite recipes with tofu,including desserts have been posted before.
Made from soybean curd , tofu is considered one of the healthiest vegan replacement for meat. 4 ounces of tofu has about 9 grams of protein ,which is almost free of saturated fats and low in calories. Tofu is also rich in minerals ,antioxidants besides being a good source of iron and calcium ,all convincing reasons to think of more way of incorporate in your everyday cooking.

Recipe : Tofu Parathas ,adapted from Divya's Dil se
2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
4 ounce firm tofu
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon Cilantro ,chopped
2 tablespoon canola oil

Mash the tofu using a fork and mix with all of the spices,salt and cilantro, let marinate for few minutes.
In a large mixing bowl ,add the flour ,oil and the tofu mixture, combine the mixture ,add water just enough to bring the dough together. Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes.
Heat a cast iron pan(tava) or non stick pan at medium high flame.
Divide the dough in to about 8-10 balls depending on the prefered size of parathas. Sprinkle a little all purpose flour on the rolling surface. Use a rolling pin and carefully roll each of the portion in to round parathas.Roast the parathas by flipping once and spread some oil on the paratha. Flip and roast for few seconds .Use a spatula to lightly press and roll them around the pan. There are done when slightly brown.
serve warm with any kind of chutney.

I'm delighted to host Weekend Herb Blogging for the week.Share your unusual delicious foods.Talk about the one unique ingredient used and please keep the entries exclusive(cannot be sent to other food events).For more rules check here and send your entries to YasmeenHealthnut AT gmail DOT com.