Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Daring Bakers : Baked Doughnuts with Dark Chocolate Nut Glaze

My previous attempt of Baked doughnuts with fresh Peach Glaze was so successful that I did not want to look at doughnuts as unhealthy any more,cause there is an healthier way to make it.The Daring Bakers announcement of doughnuts this month was a relief,as it would be easier challenge,also since I'm not posting as many recipes and experimenting with newer recipes recently,all due to lack of time.

The October 2010 Daring Bakers challenge was hosted by Lori of Butter Me Up. Lori chose to challenge DBers to make doughnuts. She used several sources for her recipes including Alton Brown, Nancy Silverton, Kate Neumann and Epicurious.

I followed the same recipe of baked doughnuts as in the peach glaze doughnut but with a more chocolaty make over.Its just dark chocolate in the glaze,no butter or other fat used.Make sure the chocolate is melted and warmed if needed,for a perfect coating all around the naked doughnut.The nuts can be varied ,I used the most affordable roasted peanuts.

Recipe: Baked Donuts with Peach Honey Glaze.
Makes a dozen large donuts
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/4 cups reduced fat milk(can also use almond or soy milk),divided
1 packet(2 teaspoon) active dry yeast
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoon organic butter or virgin pressed coconut oil,melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 organic eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
For the Dark Chocolate Nut glaze
1 1/2 cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips(good quality with 60% cocoa)
3/4 cup chopped nuts(peanuts,almonds or any other nut of choice)

Warm about a cup of milk in the microwave for 20-25 seconds(warm to touch ,about 100F).Stir in the yeast and sugar,let get frosty,takes 10 minutes.
Beat the eggs in a bowl,whisk in rest of the milk ,butter and olive oil.In a large mixing bowl,combine flour,eggs and yeast mixture,until dough comes together smooth and supple,add more flour if needed.Cover the bowl and set in warm corner,let rise until double in size,about 1-2 hours.

Punch the air out of the dough,transfer on a lightly floured work surface.Divide in to about 4 portions.Roll out each portion about 1/2 inch thick,cut out circles using a 3 inch cookie cutter.To make the hole in the center use a smaller cutter.Make the center hole is big enough or might shut close when proofing.Finish cutting out the doughnuts from the rest of the dough.Lay them on a baking sheet,cover with kitchen towel and let rise(proof) for another 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375F.Bake the doughnuts until bottoms are lightly brown,about 10-12 minutes.Cool on rack before glazing.

Prepare the glaze,by melting chocolate chips in microwave,about a minutes,stir every 10-15 seconds until glossy and completely melted.

Dip both sides of the baked doughnuts in the warm glaze.Sprinkle the chopped nuts either completely or just half for a prettier look.Let sit for an hour till the glaze is set.Could be refrigerated in air tight container for a day or two,but tastes best the same day.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Low Fat Almond Chocolate Mini Pumpkin Pie

Don't you love the vibrant show that nature puts on at this time of the year and exuberance of pumpkins adds to the splendor.Yes,I got my first pumpkin home and made the pie,this one was not so tough to cut through,made my work little easy.I have been posting about pumpkin desserts past two seasons,I present this season another special kind of pie, with almonds ,100% cocoa and dark chocolate chips as the secret ingredients.If you are a regular viewer of the blog,these ingredients are no secret,as I use them often in my recipes.

I do not have a preference for these mini pies over the large pie,making one large pie would be equally good,I just had the pie tins unused for long hence went for the mini version of the pie.The chocolate chips surprise in the filling are simply fantastic. I say this often,will say it again,use 100% cocoa powder and 60% cocoa chocolate chips to get the best benefits of the chocolate.

Recipe :Almond Chocolate Mini Pumpkin Pies
Makes 6 Mini pies or one 9 inch pie
For Crust
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons fat free plain yogurt
1/4 cup brown sugar

For Filling
2 cups Pumpkin puree
1/2 cup fine ground raw almonds(or use almond meal)
1/4 cup unsweetened 100% cocoa powder(I use Hersheys)
1/2 cup brown or white sugar or 1/4 cup Agave nectar
*2 Organic eggs
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips(good quality with at least 60% Cocoa,I use Ghirardelli)
2 tablespoon Organic Whole milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla

*for eggless filling use - 2 table spoon of cornstarch mixed with 1/4 cup whole milk

Bake the crust
Preheat oven to 350F.Mix together graham cracker crumbs, yogurt, and brown sugar in bowl. Press mixture firmly into a min pie tins or a 9 inch pie pan.Bake in preheated oven for 5 minutes.

Whisk the eggs or the egg substitute,stir in the sugar,cocoa powder,vanilla, pumpkin puree and ground almonds,combine well.Fill the mini pie tins or the pie pan with the pumpkin mixture.Drop the chocolate chips evenly in all the pie crust or in the pie pan.Bake in 350F oven for about 25-30 minutes until the center is a little firm to touch.Serve warm or can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.

This is my entry for Weekend Herb Blogging #255,hosted this week by Prof Kitty from The Cabinet of Prof. Kitty

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Garden Fresh Vegetable Rotini Salad

Considering this was the first year of home gardening,with limited space and brief abandonment during the vacation,it was a pretty good harvest over all.Herbs like cilantro and mint for some reason did not thrive,but thyme and fenugreek were in abundance.Carrots,kale,lettuce,okra,peppers and tomatoes turned out to be a great start for a beginner gardener like me.

Wish I had the right tool to dig out the carrots,it seemed forever to dig deep enough to get the them out whole.Since these were organic the size was smaller and taster was less sweeter.If you have noticed,these were also unique in its shades of color,from light orange to dark purple(I could not get the picture of that deep purple one though).A Pasta Salad suites best with such garden fresh vegetables,juicy and nutritious with no cooking required except for the pasta.

The pasta salad is my entry for Presto Pasta nights,hosted this week by Claudia of Honey from a Rock

Recipe :Garden fresh Vegetable Rotini Salad
Serves 2-3
1/2 pound Whole grain Rotini pasta.
2 medium carrots,cut in long thin strips
1 cup tender salad greens(I used baby kale,carrot greens)
1 cup cherry tomatoes,halved
1 big clove garlic,minced
3-4 small sweet peppers,seeded and thinly sliced
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or canola oil
2 tablespoon fresh parsley,finely chopped

Cook the pasta until al-dente(not soft but with a bite to it) as per the package directions.Drain and cool.Transfer in a large salad bowl.
Make the dressing by whisking the oil with vinegar,salt,pepper and parsley.Pour over the pasta,toss in rest of the vegetables and combine well.Serve immediately or could be keep an hour to let the flavors fuse.

Make no mistake,the succulent garden fresh okra stir fry does not go with pasta,its a perfect complement with flat bread or brown rice.Find the recipe of Okra stir fry here.

An important note about the Health Nut Challenge,I am unable to continue it due to time constraints.But I promise to post the round up of Tropical temptations as soon as I can squeeze in time to work on it.

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Weekend Herb Blogging #254 Round Up

I'm pleased to have hosted yet another round of Weekend Herb Blogging.Thanks to all the contributors for showing their constant support for the event.

Haalo of Cook Almost Anything(Australia) baked these creamy savory Swedish gratin - Jannson's Temptation,made with thin sliced potatoes(Rose Virginia or Rose Jersey) flavored with pickled sprats(a small marine water fish like the anchovies).

Claire of Chez Cayenne(Texas USA) put together the juicy,sweet,flaky Strawberry Pastry bites,as delicious as it sounds,these make perfect little desserts.

Simone of Briciole(North California) made this gorgeous brightRoasted Red pepper and almond dip using fresh batch of oven-roasted Round of Hungary peppers (a.k.a., pimento cheese peppers).

Tigerfish of Teczcape - an escape to food ,shared with us this hearty pasta dish infused with Celtuce,named after its unique characteristics of the celery-like stalk and the lettuce-like leaves. The "meaty" central stem is crispy and tender - almost similar to that of broccoli stem.And topped with succulent pan fried scallops.

Janet of Taste Space(Toronto,Canada) put the giant zucchini to perfect use in this serene green Creamy Zucchini and Basil Soup enhanced with richness of cashews and fragrant basil.

Marisa of The Creative Pot(South Africa) celebrates spring with this vibrant Baked Spring Risotto ,loaded with fresh fava beans and asparagus and hint of heat from dried red chillies.

Brii of BriiBlog in English(Valsorda - Garda Lake - Italy) baked this distinctive gluten-free Rice and Buckwheat chocolate cake with decadent chocolate and nut candy surprise.

Finally my entry of savory Thyme Olive oil Shortbread is different from usual with no saturated fats and almost no sugar,still every bit delicious and enjoyable with fewer fat and sugar calories.

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Thyme Olive Oil Shortbread

Thyme was one of the few herbs that survived despite my poor gardening skills.The lush green fragrant herb made in to many dishes including soups,stews and finally in this scrumptious shortbread recipe.

Shortbread or crackers?,depends on how thin the dough is rolled.Thinner for crackers and thicker for shortbread.Butter is replaced with fruity olive oil and the aroma of fresh thyme is the most apparent in the flavor,these are a perfect accompaniment with warming soups.

Recipe :Thyme Shortbread
Yields over a dozen rectangular shortbread
1 3/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour(fine ground)
6-8 sprigs of fresh thyme,leaves separated
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon brown sugar or 2 teaspoon agave nectar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon cold water

Preheat oven to 350 F.
Prepare the dough by combining all the ingredients either in large mixing bowl or in food processor,do not over mix.Cover the dough and set in fridge for 30 minutes.
Divide the dough in to 2 portions. Take one portion at a time and roll in to 1/4 inch thick rectangular sheet. Place on a greased baking sheet.Score the rolled dough(can use a pizza cutter) on the sheet in to rectangular or square shapes.
Place on a baking sheet,bake for about 15-18 minutes while keeping a close eye until golden brown on the edges.Cool on rack before storing in a tight jar.Good for a week,but tastes best on same day baked.

Hosting Weekend Herb Blogging #254

I'll be hosting the Weekend Herb Blogging event for the week(October 4th-10th).Share your unusual delicious foods.Talk about the one unique ingredient used and please keep the entries exclusive(cannot be sent to other food events).For more rules check here and send your entries to YasmeenHealthnut AT gmail DOT com.