Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Silk's Pure Almond Iced Cocoa Mocha and a Giveaway

Mr.Healthnut helping himself a glass of mighty almond goodness.

A nutritious addition in our diet,velvety smooth ,light and incredibly yum,Silk's new Pure Almond Milk has taken an honorable space in our refrigerator,since introduced to me by the kind folks at Silk.

Topping in the list of Nature's best foods,almonds are attributed as a nut with most fiber,protein and load of essential anti oxidant(Vitamin E).Naturally low in fat and free of cholesterol,the almonds help in lowering bad cholesterol and raising the good cholesterol.Silk Pure Almond™ almond milk is an excellent way to get more of these healthy almonds into your everyday routine.The calorie smart Silk's Pure Almond Milk is just 60 calories for a serving of Original flavor, and 90 for a glass of Vanilla.One can enjoy the almond milk in all the recipes were milk is used.I prefer it chilled from fridge,as is or in bowl of cereal or milk shakes.

Hello Summer! the heat is starting to pick its momentum and the body desires chilled drinks more than ever.The cool refreshing anti-oxidant rich Iced Cocoa Mocha has the light flavor of Silk's vanilla Almond milk intensified with cocoa powder and coffee,a fantastic shake,you'd want to sip every single hot summer's day.

Recipe :Pure Almond Iced Cocoa Mocha
serves 2
2 cups Silk's Pure Almond Milk Vanilla
1/2 cup strong espresso coffee
1 tablespoon 100% cocoa powder
1 tablespoon agave nectar
few ice cubes

Blend all the ingredients(except ice) at high speed for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve immediately in a tall, cold glass with ice cubes.

Silk Pure Almond Giveaway!

For a chance to win Silk's Pure Almond milk ,please leave a comment about ,"Your favorite anti oxidant food(s)?" by end of the week(June 8th).
3 winners will be chosen to receive a free coupon of the product,and one
lucky winner would receive a Silk Pure Almond branded ChicoBag in addition
to the coupon.

Update June 10th : The winners have been choose : SassyAgapi,Becca and Kiran.Congrats!
Please contact me in next 4 days at my email address

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Daring Bakers : Chocolate Berry Pièce montée(Croquembouche) with Mango Cream

Never in the deepest dreams did I think of putting together a spectacular French wedding cake.Thanks to daring bakers club for making the seemingly impossible bakes,possible.Every daring bake(17 so far) has indeed been a challenge,needs lot of planning ahead,thoroughly understanding the recipe before making any changes to it,allotting good amount of time for implementing the task,that could fail at first attempt but striving till succeeding should be the motto of a daring baker.The posting day is sure excitement in anticipation of fellow daring bakers creative takes on the challenge.I for one ,try not to deviate too much from the given original recipe while giving it a healthy make over,which is the best part of these challenges.

The May 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Cat of Little Miss Cupcake. Cat challenged everyone to make a piece montée, or croquembouche, based on recipes from Peter Kump’s Baking School in Manhattan and Nick Malgieri.

A sure delightful dessert,cannot be reserved exclusively for special occasions,the following recipe has been changed enough to make it often.The Croquembouche,also known as Pièce montée, recipe has 3 main components: the pâte à choux(the puff pastry), the crème patissiere(pastry filling), and the glaze(Sugar or chocolate) used to mount/decorate it.The main building block of the centerpiece are cream filled pate a choux ,mounted in to a conical shape using hot sugar or chocolate glaze as glue.I choose pure dark chocolate for its good benefits and filling is a luscious cream with one of my favorite fruits.And for the decoration,the berries were a fitting juicy garnish.Goes without saying,we loved every bite of this dessert,devoured it all for a dessert course of meal.
Recipe : Dark Chocolate Berry Pièce montée(Croquembouche) with Low fat Mango Cream

The recipe makes a medium piece montee,double the quantities proportionately for a taller piece.


For low fat Mango Crème Patissiere
1 cup reduced fat milk or soy milk or almond milk
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 cup unsweetened mango puree or 1 large mango,peeled and pureed

Dissolve cornstarch in ¼ cup of milk. Combine the remaining milk with the sugar in a saucepan; bring to boil; remove from heat.Mix in the mango puree until combined,chill before filling in the choux buns.

For Pate a Choux (Yield: About 18)
1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
2 tablespoon all purpose flour
2 large Organic or free range eggs
1/3 cup water
3 Tablespoon Organic unsalted butter
1/8 Teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
Pre-heat oven to 425◦F/220◦C degrees. Line a big baking sheets with parchment paper.

Preparing batter:
Combine water, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and stir occasionally. At boil, remove from heat and sift in the flour, stirring to combine completely.

Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly until the batter dries slightly and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Transfer to a bowl and stir with a wooden spoon 1 minute to cool slightly.Add 1 egg. The batter will appear loose and shiny. As you stir, the batter will become dry-looking like lightly buttered mashed potatoes. It is at this point that you will add in the next egg.

Transfer batter to a pastry bag fitted with a large open tip or use a ziploc and snip off the tip. Pipe choux about 1 inch-part in the baking sheets. Choux should be about 1 inch high about 1 inch wide.

Using a clean finger dipped in hot water, gently press down on any tips that have formed on the top of choux when piping. You want them to retain their ball shape, but be smoothly curved on top.

Bake the choux at 425◦F/220◦C degrees until well-puffed and turning lightly golden in color, about 10 minutes.

Lower the temperature to 350◦F/180◦C degrees and continue baking until well-colored and dry, about 20 minutes more. Remove to a rack and cool.

Can be stored in a airtight box overnight.


When you are ready to assemble your piece montée, using a plain pastry tip, pierce the bottom of each choux. Fill the choux with pastry cream using either the same tip or a star tip, and place on a paper-lined sheet. Choux can be refrigerated briefly at this point while you make your glaze.

For Chocolate Glaze:
4 ounces/100 g. finely chopped best quality Dark chocolate(with at least 60% cocoa)
Melt chocolate in microwave or double boiler. Stir at regular intervals to avoid burning. Use the best quality chocolate you can afford. Use immediately.

For decoration
Fresh berries of choice

To assembly of your Piece Montée:
You may want to lay out your unfilled, unglazed choux in a practice design to get a feel for how to assemble the final dessert. For example, if making a conical shape, trace a circle (no bigger than 8 inches) on a piece of parchment to use as a pattern. Then take some of the larger choux and assemble them in the circle for the bottom layer. Practice seeing which pieces fit together best.

Once you are ready to assemble your piece montée, dip the top of each choux in your glaze and start assembling on your cake board/plate/sheet. Continue dipping and adding choux in levels using the glaze to hold them together as you build up.
When you have finished the design of your piece montée,dip the berries in chocolate and fill in along the gaps, you may drizzle with remaining glaze and use ribbons,almonds, flowers, etc. to decorate.

Explore more Pièce montée at Daring baker's blog roll.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Turkish Spinach Börek using Home made Yufka(Phyllo)

The wondrous natural beauty of Turkey's peninsula ,unique historical sites and the exquisite Turkish cuisine has earned Turkey's name as one of the world's most popular tourism destinations.Visiting the place is a dream for now,nonetheless,the ladies at Walima Cooking club are very excited this month to be dishing up one of the delicacies of the Turkish cuisine.

The Walima club May challenge,of home made Yufka,the Turkish phyllo dough was presented to us by Nihal of Crossroads Istanbul.Börek is the special pastry of the exotic Turkish cuisine,made by rolling the paper thin Yufka(phyllo dough),an effortful task that requires skill at using the rolling pin.To master the art of börek making requires practice and patience,so not to worry if you can't get the pastry perfectly circular and thin,the first time.

The flaky pastry is enjoyed in myriad of varieties - cheese,meat,vegetables,nuts or dried fruits.The following Börek recipe is light and crisp,made using the delicate and mellow spinach.Smeared with pure canola oil,its also worth mentioning,the pastry's fat calories are much lower than the one made with saturated fat(butter and margarine).

Recipe : Home made Yufka(Phyllo dough) .Do check out Nihal's pictorial recipe here.

Equipment required : 80 cm long thin rolling pin

1 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon canola oil

Prepare the dough,by combining the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Mix the water, oil and vinegar in a measuring cup. Add the water/oil mixture to the flour and make a soft dough and knead for 2 minutes. Make sure it is not too dry, add a little more water if necessary.
Shape the dough into a ball and transfer it to a plate. Oil the top of the dough ball lightly. Cover the ball tightly with plastic wrap. Allow to stand for 30 minutes.

To make the pastry sheets(yufka),roll the dough ,start by sprinkling some flour on the work surface and also on the dough.Divide the dough into smaller portions,depending on the size of sheets needed.
Shape each small portion into a ball and then flatten into a disc.Roll it paper thin and use the sheet for making pastries(borek) with sweet or savory filling.Following is one vegetable variation of the pastry.It better to use the sheets immediately after rolling.Although one can spread oil between each sheet and freeze in ziploc.Thaw and use when needed.

Recipe : Ispanakli Börek( Spinach Pastry)
Filling ingredients
1 pound fresh or frozen spinach
1 cup sweet peppers,chopped
1 teaspoon spice mix of choice
1 teaspoon canola oil

For pastry dough use 5 paper thin sheets as in the above recipe of Yufka.
2 tablespoon canola for brushing between the pastry sheets.

Heat oil in large pan,add the spinach,salt and saute on high heat, until wilted and water evaporated,about 4-5 minutes.Turn off the heat.Cool few minutes.Mix in the spices and chopped peppers.Mixture should be completely cooled before filling in the pastry.

Preheat Oven to 350F.
Brush 2 teaspoon of oil over the first sheet of yufka(the pastry sheets).Sprinkle evenly the spinach mixture on the pastry sheet .Now brush 2 teaspoon of oil over the second sheet of yufka,and cover this ,oil side down,over the first sheet,press lightly to glue the sheets together.Do the same with third and fourth sheet.And finally spread the remaining mixture on the fourth sheet and cover with the final sheet.Be sure to oil each sheet with oil.

Roll the sheets together,gently but firm enough like a strudel pastry.Place the rolled pastry on a baking sheet.Bake in middle rack of oven,for 25-30 minutes until the crust is brown and flaky.Cool for 5 minutes.Slice and serve with some yogurt sauce or roasted sweet red pepper sauce.
The method used was from this video.

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Pearl Millet(Jowar) Pilaf

Pearl Millet - gems of good health

The sustaining cereal of the dessert lands in Asia and Africa ,millet are power houses of good health - gluten free ,easily digestible(hypoallergenic) ,rich in protein, minerals and B vitamins.Common kinds - Finger Millet(Ragi),Green millet(Bajri) and Pearl Millet(Jowar),all are available in both flour and grain form,in most Asian stores or health foods stores.
The flour is good for breads and flat breads,the texture is more wholesome and nothing like the wheat breads.Use in combination with wheat flour for added nutrition.

The whole millet are perfect in pilaf\pulao and makes a nutritious addition in stews and salads.My recipe here for succulent Pearl millet pilaf is a wholesome entree, has a chewy bite to it ,but one can add more water and cook longer for a more softer texture.

Recipe :Pearl Millet(Jowar) Pilaf\Pulao
Serves 2-3
2 cups Pearl Millet(Jowar),soaked over night
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cups Broccoli(or cauliflower) florets
1 big clove garlic,minced
1/2 inch fresh ginger root,minced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil,divided
4 cups vegetable broth or water
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Chili powder or cayenne
1/2 teaspoon each of cumin and coriander powder
pinch of turmeric
2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime\lemon juice
1 sweet pepper,seeded and sliced for garnish

Drain the water from the soaked millet.Heat a skillet with lid or use a pressure cooker,add 2 teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil and onion,Saute until translucent about 2-3 minutes;add garlic,ginger and spices ,then stir in the millet and season with salt,add the water ,cover and cook,about an hour in the skillet and 30 minutes in the pressure cooker,until the millet is soft and cooked through.

Saute the broccoli separately in pan ,add a teaspoon of oil and season with salt and spices,cook for 4-5 minutes on medium heat.

To serve,lay the cooked millet pilaf on the plate,top with broccoli and garnish with fresh sweet pepper slices.Squeeze some lime juice all over.Serve warm.

I'm sharing this with Weekend Herb Blogging #234 ,hosted this week by ,Astrid from Paulchen's Foodblog

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Raspberry Tofu Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Cake

Tofu does not get any applause in my family.So I have to think of sneaking in this wonder protein in the most unsuspecting places.Like in the ice cream ,the silken tofu married so well with the intense berry flavor,leaving the picky eaters totally clueless about the disliked ingredient in it.

The cake was specially made in jubilation of Nabeel's seventh birth day.Yes,another healthfully blessed year.His asthma has shown significant improvement as he is growing.Watching the diet for low sugar ,low fat foods ,wholesome fruits,vegetables and grains immensely helped in improving his condition.My efforts to get him to eat the best aren't always success,there are some foods he absolutely cannot stand, and tofu is one of those.But I can't give up , had to think harder to incorporate the bland food with lots of flavorful berries to create this delectable cake.

I had to disclose the secret ingredient to him after blissfully finishing the first slice,for it changed his mind about the food,that he had decided to hate till eternity.Now he is more willing to appreciate it,if presented in such decadent dishes.That also means,a thumbs up for my ,eating more tofu mission.The other dishes that got approval were tofu smoothie and parathas,haven't got the chance to post them yet,but will do,one fine day.

Recipe : Raspberry Tofu Ice Cream
8 ounce Soft Silken Tofu
1 cup Coconut milk or almond milk or soy milk
2 cups frozen Raspberries
1/3 cup agave nectar or honey or maple syrup

Process tofu in a blender until smooth. Add the frozen berries,sweetener and process until well smooth.Now add the milk and process again until well blended. Pour into one or more wide-mouthed jars. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours before churning.Scrape the chilled custard into the canister of your ice cream maker. Churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions or if you don't have an ice cream maker,transfer the Ice Cream mixture in to a freezer proof container,preferably air tight.Freeze for about an hour,then get the container out and whisk the mixture using a spatula or hand held whisk or electric whisk to break the ice crystals forming over the edges of the container.Freeze and whisk again after 30-40 minutes ,repeat this for about 6 hours until the mixture is almost frozen.
Serve as is or layer in the chocolate cake as follows.

Recipe :Raspberry Tofu Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Cake
For Dark Chocolate Cake
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Organic eggs
2 tablespoon Fat free Sour cream
1/4 cup agave nectar or 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips.
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon Organic butter or Virgin pressed coconut oil,melted and divided
1/2 cup reduced fat Organic milk

3 cups of Raspberry Tofu Ice cream(as in recipe above)

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil and the semisweet chocolate chips in a bowl(glass or steel) placed over saucepan with gently simmering water(double broiler).Stir occasionally until the mixture is smooth.Set the bowl aside.

Preheat Oven to 375F.Line the bottom of a 8x8 round baking pan with parchment paper.

Sift all the dry ingredients(flours,salt and powders) in large mixing bowl.
In another mixing bowl whisk together melted butter and sugar or agave ,Crack the eggs and whisk until combined.Add the prepared chocolate ganache, stir in milk ,sour cream and combine until mixture comes together. Now add the dry mixture slowly in to the wet mixture while stirring it.

Pour the mixture in to the prepared baking pan.Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until the center of cake come out clean on an inserted toothpick.Cool the cake for at least 30 minutes.Flip in to plate.Remove the parchment at the bottom of the cake.

Assembling the Cake
Thaw the Raspberry Tofu Ice cream for 30 minutes until soft enough to handle.
Line the same baking pan with a plastic wrap,put the cake back in the pan.Scoop the ice cream and spread over the cupcakes just until the pan is full.Cover and freeze for 2-3 hours before unmolding.When set,flip the pan on to a plate,remove the plastic wrap,flip again in to another serving plate to have the Ice cream layer on top.Garnish with some fresh raspberries.To slice,warm a sharp knife under running hot water for an easier cut.
For more fruity finish,prepare some raspberry syrup and pour over each slice.

Health Nut Challenge 6 : I Scream for Ice Cream : Join in the celebration of healthy frozen treats.Send in your best recipe,find details here..

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea and Cumin Soy Biscuits

The unstable rise and drop(80F a day and 50F the next!) in spring temperatures can leave some of us miserably sick.Your truly was brought down by a bad episode of aching itchy soar throat followed by exasperating cough,not to mention the fatigue.Thankfully the relief came without visiting the doctor,through some simple home remedies.But beware if the throat ache or persistent cough does not subside in 3-4 days of home treatment or accompanies fever,be sure to get doctor's advice first.Normally the doctor would give antibiotic for bacterial infection but not for the viral,either of the cases,the home remedies can be put to test.There are many to try,but these two in particular are safe and work effectively for me.
1.Herbal teas (like the Ginger honey , Orange spice and Apple cider vinegar,recipe below),a cup every 3-4 hours.Slurping warm soups also is relieving.
2.Vitamin C and zinc lozenges or simply fresh berries or fresh fruits, helps boost immunity.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent made from fermentation of apple cider,contains a potent supply of potassium which can helpful in easing the effects of colds,sore throats and allergies.Cider vinegar is available in most health food and super stores.

2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup apple cider


Add the apple cider and apple cider vinegar in a mug,stir in the honey until completely dissolved.Slowly sip away to relaxation.

The tea is tried and tested home remedy for sore throat and is now off to Home remedies 3,hosted this month by Jagruti of Joy of Cooking.

Cumin Soy Biscuits

Along with the soothing tea,a light nourishing snack, with touch of spices,contributed to healing the ailment.The cumin spice is good source of iron,know to strengthen immunity and aid digestion.The soy flour with richness of disease fighting isoflavones,nourishes the biscuits with pleasant moist texture.

Makes about 8-10 biscuits
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
1/2 cup organic soy flour
1 cup fine ground whole wheat flour
1 and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup apple or orange juice
2 tablespoon agave syrup or honey
2 tablespoon canola oil
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in center. In a medium bowl, sift together flours, baking powder,cumin seeds and salt. Add the oil and combine.Stir in enough apple juice to form dough firm enough to roll.
Cover and let the dough rest for 10 minutes.Divide in 2 portions.Sprinkle some all purpose flour on the work surface.Roll out one portion of the dough using a rolling pin,about 1/4 inch thick.Cut using a 3 inch cookie cutter.Lay on a parchment-lined baking sheet; spacing 2 inches apart.Finish making the biscuits with rest of the dough. Bake until lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Serve warm with tea.

I'm sending the biscuits over to Priya's Cooking with seeds Event ,the seeds in spotlight this month are Cumin

Viewer question
What remedy works best for your sore throat ?

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Genesis Today's -Happy Goji and Purple Perfection Shakes

The plethora of fruit juices in today's market is intriguing.Despite being aware of the super fruits that are latest buzz in the Health foods, it still is a bit of challenge to pick the right kind of super fruit juice ,one that's genuine and potent ,well, not anymore.My search for the perfect juices ends here with discovery of Genesis Today's range of super fruits juices-Acai,Goji and Resveratrol

What's so super about super fruits?
To say the least,these are super rich in nutrients,vitamins , minerals and antioxidants,that fight off the disease causing free radicals.

Crystal clear from the chart,Acai,Goji and Resveratrol have outstanding levels of antioxidants.

Genius at work,Dr.Lindsey Duncan,the founder and CEO of Genesis Today has been studying in the natural health products industry since 1983.He developed these healthful range of fruit juices using the best fruits on face of earth.Revered by celebrities , the Genesis today Super fruits juices are now accessible to common man at affordable prices ,in super stores like Walmart and Sam's club.

I was fortunate to be offered the samples of Genesis Today's Acai Berry,Goji Berry and Resveratrol juices.Here what my taste buds had to say :

Genesis Today's Acai Berry Juice
One sip and the sharp sweet berry flavor gets the taste buds tingling and the super rich antioxidants instantly give the energetic feel.Consistency is a bit like smoothie,but not as thick.

Benefits :The beauty berry from the Brazilian rain forest, is known to support healthy skin,hair and nails.Boost bodies energy levels.Helps control weight,soothe and calm the digestive system,stimulates the digestive organs to more eliminate efficiently waste from the body.

Genesis Today's Goji Berry Juice
Intensely orange,the juice has instant citrus punch,that relieves tension and gets you going with renewed energy.

Benefits :Hailing from China,the happy berry is known for mood uplifting,promoting healthy mind,memory and eye health.

Genesis Today's Resveratrol Juice
Tasted like a concentrated grape juice, totally rejuvenating.And for someone who does not drink alcohol,this juice with all the benefits of a wine without the alcohol, was truly beneficial.

Resveratrol is a naturally-occurring plant extract, in this case from the pulp and skin of grapes as well as Japanese Knotweed,known to support heart health,promotes youthful energy and appearance.Also known to support healthy inflammatory response of the body.

I was also suggested 2 super nutritious shake recipes to concoct with the juices.You seriously cannot get enough of these,would definitely want to make them every day ,with a hearty meal or to satisfy those in-between-the-meals cravings.
Goji Happy Shake

• 12 oz. Goji Berry Juice
• 12 oz. frozen strawberries
• 1 organic banana
• 5 ice cubes
• 1 oz shot liquid Genesis Today ™ Protein 100 (15 g)
• 1 scoop Genesis Today ™ 4Fiber
Place all items in blender and pulse using ice crusher. Blend until smooth and well combined.

Daily use of this shake will render amazing effects in five areas:
1) Mood enhancement
2) Eye health benefits
3) High ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
4) All essential and non essential proteins through bio-available delivery of the
Genesis Today ™ Protein 100 (liquid)
5) Less bloating, better digestion through Fiber completely absorbed by body

Purple Perfection Shake

• 6 oz. Acaí Berry Juice
• 6 oz Resveratrol Juice
• 1 organic banana(or 1 Plum)
• 5 ice cubes
• 1 oz shot liquid Genesis Today ™ Protein 100 (15 g)
• 1 scoop Genesis Today ™ 4Fiber
Place all items in blender and pulse using ice crusher. Blend until smooth and well combined.
Daily use of this shake will render amazing effects in five areas:
1) Improved energy
2) Improved mental/cognitive function
3) Improved hair, nails, and skin
4) Improved cardio health
5) Less bloating, better digestion through Fiber completely absorbed by body

Supreme Snack!
Besides the Super fruit juices,I was also sent a pack of Genesis Today's Dark chocolate Acai Pudding.

Decadence of chocolate combined with tart sweet berries makes this a luscious pudding.Chocolate contains theobromine, which triggers endorphins and serotonin to give you a euphoric, joyous feeling, plus many essential vitamins and minerals.And with 0 grams of fat and sweetened with pure sweet cane juice,the pudding is nothing less a guilt-free snack.

Learn more about Genesis Today's phenomenal products at the official website.Depending on how you feel,the product finder helps you find the right kind of super fruit juice. There are also money Saving Coupons,print them here.

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Cruciferous Celebration

Who's up for the basket of health?

BokChoy,Broccoli,Brussel Sprouts,Kohlrabi,Cauliflower,Cabbage and Kale,all are honored members of cabbage family ,also referred as Cruciferous vegetables.There are crucial to our diet for being a good source of essential :
Soluble fiber,
Folic acid
Plant Omega 3s
Disease fighting phytochemicals.

Thanks to every crucial participant of the challenge who celebrated these supper veggies,shared there appetizing recipes.Enjoy the following round up of recipes categorized by the meal time and meal courses.


Umm Mymoonah's Cauliflower Adai with Kale Chutney,the South Indian Pancakes are wholesome with lentils,brown rice besides the hearty cauliflower.And the kale chutney adds another level of nutrition and flavor to the meal.

Priya's Japanese Cabbage Pancakes,is an eggcellent brunch idea.

Health Nut's Kale Dosa with Asparagus Chutney,an all green South Indian brunch.

Flat breads
Kanchan's travel friendlyCabbage Parathas ,gets the boring out and yum in,with this cabbage flat bread.

Sangeeta's revitalizing Cauliflower and broccoli Parathas are made with garden fresh vegetables.

Kiran's Broccoli Parathas are packed with excellence of broccoli.

Umm Mymoonah's Garlic and Kale Naan,made traditionally in smoking hot tandoori ovens,are baked in the recipe for convenience.Garlic with kale is a whole new flavor,one ought to try for the love of spice and greens.

Umm Razeen's kid approved Broccoli Soy Phulkas are soft and tasty, with hidden nutrition of soy and broccoli.

Priyanka's heartyGobi Parathas with curd and chutney are good enough for a shaadi ki thali(wedding feast)

Sangeeta's relishing Red Cabbage Salad in oil free Mustard Dressing with cabbage fresh from home garden,is as good as a salad can get.

Health Nut's Mediterranean Cauliflower Tabbouleh,is flavored with the tangy chunks of home made preserved lemons.

Priya's crisp Nutty Cabbage Salad is utterly tasty.

Nithu Bala's perfectly presented,raw and vibrantMixed Vegetable and Fruits Salad

Sangeeta's Tomato Salsa Salad with Arugula is another pleasing salad,with roasted tomatoes,radishes and tender green arugula.

Nithu Bala's snowy white Cauliflower Orange Salad is a juicy citrusy start of a meal.

Health Nut's Citrus Coleslaw ,a combination of savoy cabbage,orange segments,soy nuts and sunflower seeds in citrus dressing


Nithu Bala's gorgeousApple and red Cabbage Soup

LK's microwave Potato Cauliflower Soup with hint of spice from green chillies is quick to fix and warming to the soul.

Gita's Kale and White Bean Soup topped with alfa-alfa sprouts,is complete meal in itself with wonderful balance of greens,buttery beans and crunchy sprouts.

Nithu Bala's healthful Broccoli Cauliflower Spinach and lima Soup

Starters and Appetizers
Curry leaf's Cauliflower Mash is a winning replacement for a starchy potato mash.

Srividhya Ravikumar's sumptuous Cabbage Pakoda

Umm Razeen's crunchy munchy Kohl Rabi Murmera Chat

Priya's Broccoli patties are crusted with wholesome oats.

No-Fuss Saute and Bake

Harini-Jaya's Baked Brussels Sprouts,brings out the best of the not so favored vegetable among the picky eaters.

Kiran's Broccoli Yum-Yum is a simple saute with perfect seasoning of spices,just the way I like it.

Harini-Jaya's simply Baked Broccoli

Sides(Curries,Stir fries,Gravies ,Dal and such )

Saveur's elegant Tofu Hoisin with Baby Bok Choy

Gita's Broccoli Stalks Poriyal,enlightens about the tasty and nutritious stalks .

Sangeeta's Cabbage Stir fry is infused with the fiery sesame curry paste.

Cooking Foodie's spicy and juicy Cabbage Stir fry

LK's simply delicious Cabbage & Peas curry

Nithu Bala's flavorfulCabbage Beans Curry with coconut and Chana lentil.

Priya Mitharwal's Cauliflower Methi Subzi is low in fat, has the capturing aroma of kasoori methi and other piquant spices,making it a guilt-free side dish.

Kiran's heart-healthy Kale Mushroom Curry

Vidhya Ravikumar's Mixed Vegetable Sabzi is a mellow medley of cruciferous vegetables.

Vidhya Ravikumar's sumptuous Mixed Vegetable Kurma

Priya Vaasu's Cauliflower Pepper Stir Fry ,prepared in a snap,is a snack perfect for satiating sudden hunger pangs.

Umm Razeen's spicy and sour Cauliflower in low-fat Yogurt

Meena's Cauliflower Podimas,the South India side-dish,is perfectly seasoned with spices with touch of tangy lemons.

Nithu Bala's Cauliflower Gravy is rich with nuts,paneer and spice balance with juicy tomatoes and peas.

Swathi's Carrot Cauliflower Masala ,a stir-fry of pure vegetable and spice bliss.

Nisha's Kale Junka,is a Maharastrian style dish,the green is roasted with chickpea flour and spices until mellow and aromatic.

Priya's Pepper Cabbage Dal,warming soupy side with a bowl of brown rice.

Harini-jaya's Cabbage Kootu,one of the delicious Dal variations.

Suma Gandlur's heart warming Kohl rabi Sambhar

Kiran's Kale-Cranberry-Drumstick-Carrot Kootu Yogurt Sambhar,is just as filling and tasty as it sounds.

An open book's Mallu-style Brussel sprouts thoran with fresh coconut and spices,is one of the most flavorful ways of serving up the cabbage cousin.

Kiran's simple quick and easy ,Cauliflower Stir fry

My Spicy Kitchen's Cabbage Pachadi,a tangy spiced pickle .

Health Nut's Grilled Kibbeh,the Middle Eastern appetizers with added excellence of kale and carrots.

Health Nut's Kale Chicken Saag,is a beloved North Indian side,enhanced with protein.

Tazaika's appetizing Chicken Broccoli,has the Chinese season goodness of roasted sesame oil


Lori's Nutty Cauliflower Quinoa is a thoroughly nourishing meal enriched with one of the best kind of nuts,vegetable and whole grain.'s easy and simple Cabbage Rice, a healthy, delectable and nutritious entree.

Sweet artichoke's one of kind savory French pastry, Cabbage and Tofu Millefeuli .

Saveur's spring special Chilled Soba With Baby Bok choy ,with Soba noodles, fresh green veggies, including baby bok choy, snow peas and spinach, lightly steamed, then combined with cool silken tofu in chunks and smothered with a ponzu soy sauce.These are light yet satisfying.

Health Nut's low fat wholesome Broccoli Quiche with brown rice crust.

Health Nut's Wholegrain Spanakopita(Greek Spinach Pie),is special for this is made with home made whole grain phyllo dough and the filling is wholly green.

Priya's unique Carrot Cabbage Halwa,took me by surprise,for I never heard of cabbage for dessert.

Priya's Cabbage Almond Kheer,stumped me again with the creative veggie twist to the kheer.

That's all for this edition of Health Nut Challenge :D

Please join me for the next celebration of healthy frozen treats,by taking the "I Scream for Ice Cream " Health Nut Challenge and also be eligible to win the amazing Rachel Albert-Matesz's Ice Dream Cook Book.